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I visited Morikuma-san's page. hugedoonabaefan 投稿日:2013年08月09日 03:29 [返信]
Dear Lebahana-san,

I've just visited Morikuma-san's excellent post on Air Doll location sites. It was amazing! I could see how much effort and love he put into creating the page. I could feel how much he loves the Air Doll the movie! I looked to see if I could leave him a message of appreciation but had no luck. Could please relay my admiration and appreciation to him instead?

Thank you for making it easier to go visit his page. As Doona's fan, I feel really touched by both of you, and I have learnt a great lesson from you as well.

Lots of love,

2. Re: I visited Morikuma-san's page. Lebahana 投稿日:2013年08月09日 05:52
Dear emmy-san.

Thanks for your replay quickly.
And I'm so happy you admit how he feel great passions for “Air Doll”.
Mr morikuma is seeing and writing on this board often.
So, He knows about you appreciation.
Please write on my HP again and readily.


2013.1.26 Stock farm 017.JPG

Got your message. hugedoonabaefan 投稿日:2013年08月07日 02:14 [返信]

I have read your message. Thank you for your kind words about my Tumblr blog. I agree with other Doona fans who have been visiting your HP: you have most beautiful photographs of railways as well as of the locations of the Air Doll. We are all very impressed.

Please take your time with getting things ready. There is no hurry. Just let me know when you are ready.

Please take care of yourself and I will drop in again soon. And if I have any exciting Doona news, I will make sure I will leave the news here for you.

Until next time,

2. Re: Got your message. Lebahana 投稿日:2013年08月07日 18:21
I appreciate for your understand to my contents
and translation for them.
And I'm so happy you'll give me Doona's info again.
I hope I acted grateful enough.

※Near by "Hideo"'s house at Minato area, Chuo-Ku,

空気人形ロケ地、高2運動会など 019.JPG

Translation hugedoonabaefan 投稿日:2013年08月06日 19:53 [返信]
Dear Hanada-san,

I hope you've had a wonderful weekend. It's great to see that other Doona fans came to visit you here from all over the world. As you might know already, I live in the US. Anyways let's keep our connection busy and fun!

AS for the translating your postings to Korean, I think it is best that you keep the translation in your blog. My blog for Doona is through Tumblr and is in English only. (Please follow the link here to my blog) So I suppose we will be doing the translation work in the 1st way you have suggested. Did I understand what you suggested correctly? That you'd do the translation to Korean first and I look over it? Let me know if this understanding is incorrect, and explain to me again. (sorry for the trouble)

I am looking forward to working on the translation with you in any case.

곧 다시 올께요! 건강하세요.

2. Re: Translation Lebahana 投稿日:2013年08月06日 22:15
Dear emmy-san.

Your HP is amazing!
You have a nice sense for photographs and I understand how you like Doona.
Especially, I think It’s so valuable photos of Doona’s mother.
I remember she had acted in “고양이를 부탁해”(子猫をお願い)with Doona.

Actually, I feel trembling in a few days.
I appreciate to Mr Morikuma that he offered his nice photo for my HP.

So, I try to translate my page of “Location area of Air Doll” to easy Korean.
I also have daily blogs, but It’s almost about railways.
I’ve another page about the connection for “Doona and rail” too, but It’s only Japanese now.
Anyway, Please link to my page after my translation.

I also would like to link to your HP after that.
Please just wait and give me a time for a while.


☆空気人形ロケ地、高2運動会など 036.JPG

こんにちは。 chunzini 投稿日:2013年08月06日 17:37 [返信]
映画のシーンが思い浮かび。 (写真を本当によく撮影ショトオヨ!)
2. Re: こんにちは。 Lebahana 投稿日:2013年08月06日 21:07

안녕하십니까, 투고 고맙다 테두리를 댄 돗자리 말합니다.


앞으로도 배두나씨의 정보교환을 합시다.


空気人形ロケ地、高2運動会など 024.JPG

it is me again :) qaz 投稿日:2013年08月06日 10:44 [返信]
i tried to reply directly to your post below but it didn't go through, i'm not sure why. So i just write a new message here.

Anyway, thanks for your reply. So, shall i call you Lebahana then? And thank you so much morikuma-san for all those beautiful pictures. Both of you are definately great detectives. I am very impressed with all your findings.

It is nice to know you used to stay in KL before. I hope you had great time staying in Malaysia.

I love shopping at Sungei Wang Plaza too, because it is so near to my office and you can get really affordale items there. It is one of the oldest shopping complexes in KL, but the surrounding area has turned into high-end fashion designers street, 5-stars hotel and al-fresco cafés. so it is kinda interesting to see (especially during Christmas) middle income earners as well as rich people & tourists do their shopping in that area.

And it is nice to bond with other Doona's fans from other part of the world. Should thanks Doona for the bonding :)

2. Re: it is me again :) Lebahana 投稿日:2013年08月06日 20:52
Gaz-san, thanks for your reply and post to my board.
Just call me "Lebahana" please.
Either OK, it's my handle name.

I went to KL again two years ago,so I also surprise the changing of city area.But "Bakute" restaurant that I love there is still near by JLN Imbi.
Anyway I'm happy to meet to Doona's fan in Malaysia.

Please interchange the information for Doona-san on this board.


2011.8.17-22:KUL 029.JPG

こんばんは hanadaさん!!! Doona Sarang 投稿日:2013年08月05日 21:44 [返信]
あなたの文をdoona.netで読んで 探してきました。
日本には、旅行に 何度か 行ってきたことが あります。
日本の夏は 韓国より 少しより 暑いようです :(
Air Dollの撮影地写真も ありがとうございます。^^/
私も いつか 自分で そこを 見たいと 思います。
よくよく きます。^0^

2. Re: こんばんは hanadaさん!!! Lebahana 投稿日:2013年08月06日 20:33
감사합니다 .
훌륭한 일본어이네요 .
”Air Doll" のロケ地、とくに中央区の隅田川沿いは古い情景が少なくなりつつあります。でも、『Donna's Tokyo遊び』(photo book)のような東京へもまたいらしてくださいね。

空気人形ロケ地、高2運動会など 023.JPG

Greetings from Malaysia :) qaz 投稿日:2013年08月05日 12:21 [返信]
Hi Hanada-san,
I saw your post at, and decided to check your blog.

OMG i'm amazed that you managed to locate all those shooting locations of Air Doll. Looking at those pictures made me want to watch Air Doll again :).

And it is nice to see Japan from different views, not the usual places where tourists normally visit. I feel more connected looking at your pictures because it is like watching a normal daily life of Japanese people & cultures

Please keep on posting

2. Re: Greetings from Malaysia :) Lebahana 投稿日:2013年08月05日 21:02
Hello gaz-san.
I’m so happy that you write on my board and give a good valuations.
As I write on here, the latter picture ware taken by morikuma-san.

I also surprise that there still are nice location into Tokyo.
And I like to make dioramas for old and dear town.
I published on another page as follows.


By the way, I’ve lived in KL for three years in those days.
(I love “Sun gai Wang Plaza”)
So, KL is my second home town.

If you write on my board again and support Doona-san together, I’m so happy!

Lebahana (It’s my handle name)

空気人形ロケ地、高2運動会など 022.JPG

안녕하세요 hugedoonabaefan 投稿日:2013年08月04日 22:20 [返信]
Hello Hanada-san!

I saw your message on the board. I am happy to help you translate your hp into Korean but you will have to let me know which part specifically. You can leave me a message on the Talk board or you can email me. The email address is as in the above.

I am also very happy that I am getting to another Doona fan to be friends with.

As you know, Doona is still in the United States. I think she was in New York City for a while again to work with the Kiehl's NY doing photo shoots and talking with the Kiehl's people. Now I believe she is back in Chicago to continue with the Jupiter Ascending filming. I think she might have to wait around a long time to shoot her part because she is playing a small role.

I hope she will soon meet her next film project soon. I want to see her in a Doona Bae film like "Air Doll". I also hope that she can work with Director Bong Joon-Ho again because I loved Doona in "Barking Dogs never bite" (플란다스의 개).

I am going to link your posting about the location area of Air Doo in my Tumblr posting now. Thank you again for your permission.

I will try to drop in again soon.

By the way, I love your photos!

Hugs and kisses,

Emmy :)
2. Re: 안녕하세요 Lebahana 投稿日:2013年08月05日 20:35
Thanks for your valuable information, emmy-san.
I’m very honored for your request.

So, could I translate my page to간단한 한글?
Or, could you translate to한글 in your HP or blog by yourself?

Either OK, but in first case, I try to translate my page of “Location area of “Air Doll”.
In second case, you can translate to한글 for my every pages.
Anyway I’d like see your pages if you done for them.
Please let me know your page’s URL on board if you can permit it

By the way, my opinion is almost same to you.
I also hope that she’ll work with Director Bong Joon-Ho(ポン・ジュノ監督) again.
There are many fan of him in Japan, and love for Doona in "Barking Dogs never bite"(
ほえる犬は噛まない) too.
Especially, I like the scene of Doona’s internal broadcasting into the apartment from the office for the girl that she looking for her dog.

Emmy-san, I’m so interesting your information for Doona, because it’s just difficult to get newest info about her in Japan.
I’m so happy if you’ll write them on my board again.


※From Yurikamome-line


Contact information hugedoonabaefan 投稿日:2013年08月05日 19:59 [返信]
I forgot to add my email address!! 미안해요. It's Please don't hesitate to contact me. :)

더운 여름날씨에 건강하세요!


おもしろくなってきました morikuma 投稿日:2013年08月04日 23:38 [返信]

doona net と facebook に投稿されたと伺ったとたん、

おもしろくなってきました。 琉球目蒲掲示板から目が離せません。

Happy to know that you've got a message from
a Korean speaking friend.

I am looking forward to seeing your site's "Globalization."

2. Re: おもしろくなってきました レバはな 投稿日:2013年08月05日 06:04
いまだに、ペ・ドゥナ「Cloud Atlas」の日本語吹き替えバージョンのラストシーン、「誰かさんはもう、信じてる」のセリフが、頭から離れないこの頃です。

SEOUL2013 Wintter 052.JPG

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