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投稿タイトル Re: 안녕하세요
投稿内容 Thanks for your valuable information, emmy-san.
I’m very honored for your request.

So, could I translate my page to간단한 한글?
Or, could you translate to한글 in your HP or blog by yourself?

Either OK, but in first case, I try to translate my page of “Location area of “Air Doll”.
In second case, you can translate to한글 for my every pages.
Anyway I’d like see your pages if you done for them.
Please let me know your page’s URL on board if you can permit it

By the way, my opinion is almost same to you.
I also hope that she’ll work with Director Bong Joon-Ho(ポン・ジュノ監督) again.
There are many fan of him in Japan, and love for Doona in "Barking Dogs never bite"(
ほえる犬は噛まない) too.
Especially, I like the scene of Doona’s internal broadcasting into the apartment from the office for the girl that she looking for her dog.

Emmy-san, I’m so interesting your information for Doona, because it’s just difficult to get newest info about her in Japan.
I’m so happy if you’ll write them on my board again.


※From Yurikamome-line